Stress Relief 16:34
We can't control what happens around us but we can control how we react to it. This audio helps you relax and gives you practical tools to handle whatever comes into your life. You will have the opportunity to review a situation that has been stressful in the past and see yourself moving through this situation with ease and grace. The music in this audio includes Theta binaural beats that promote relaxation and receptiveness in your body and mind.
We can't control what happens around us but we can control how we react to it. This audio helps you relax and gives you practical tools to handle whatever comes into your life. You will have the opportunity to review a situation that has been stressful in the past and see yourself moving through this situation with ease and grace. The music in this audio includes Theta binaural beats that promote relaxation and receptiveness in your body and mind.
We can't control what happens around us but we can control how we react to it. This audio helps you relax and gives you practical tools to handle whatever comes into your life. You will have the opportunity to review a situation that has been stressful in the past and see yourself moving through this situation with ease and grace. The music in this audio includes Theta binaural beats that promote relaxation and receptiveness in your body and mind.
This really worked for me.... Beryl in Branford Ct
The PERFECT meditation! Melanie in Quakertown
I love it! great help in easing stress and pain.... Megan in Schereville, In
Very relaxing and positive... Julie in Ireland
Awesome! I follow every steps and my inner being feels transform! Thanks!... William in Singapore
I slept before the end so I guess it works...Cyd in Norway
It is good to do before sleeping, but it can also work first thing in the morning . .Vicky in San Francisco, Ca
I love his voice …Tania in Sutton
Very helpful and strong affirmations. Feel them in my whole body. One of my favorites… Linn in Sittard
Excellent! Monika in Manhattan
Wonderful. I do this every morning....Bridget in Stockport
For the past two weeks or so my wife and I have been packing up our house to move. Nearly every day during this process when things felt overwhelming we would do this meditation to get back on track. Thank you Dr. Kaplan!
Codemule inElizabethtown, PA
“One of the best meditations for relaxing my anxiety and truly letting go of the tension in my muscles. I usually awake feeling calm and focused. Thank You!”