Discarding Habits That No Longer Serve You
In this meditation you will continue to observe and discard habit patterns that no longer serve you and replace them with healthy alternatives. You will also establish an anchor that will serve as a reminder and will be used throughout your weight loss journey.
In this meditation you will continue to observe and discard habit patterns that no longer serve you and replace them with healthy alternatives. You will also establish an anchor that will serve as a reminder and will be used throughout your weight loss journey.
In this meditation you will continue to observe and discard habit patterns that no longer serve you and replace them with healthy alternatives. You will also establish an anchor that will serve as a reminder and will be used throughout your weight loss journey.
Fill Out This Worksheet After Listening For One Week
List habits that you are ready to discard.
List healthier behaviours you will be replacing the discarded habits with.
List the times you have used your anchor as well as times the anchor could have been used to avoid unwanted behaviors.
What is the realistic weight loss goal you see yourself achieving in six months?
Describe every aspect of how you will look, feel and act when you achieve your six month goal.