Self Love


Self Love


Your weight loss journey begins with this Self Love Meditation. During this  meditation you will be encouraged to feel and express gratitude for your amazing body. You will be inspired to burn away feelings of unworthiness and accept and appreciate your body now and throughout your transformation. The stronger your feeling of self love and acceptance the quicker you will get results. You must feel that you are worthy of having a healthy body. Fostering the feeling of self love will empower you to do what needs to be done to obtain the body you desire.

Listen to this meditation every day this week and then answer the questions below. I strongly encourage you to begin a weight loss journal as well. Your journal will be maintained throughout this transformational process.

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Fill Out This Worksheet After Listening For One Week

Create a list of the ways you are living your dream now and then another list of the your dreams for the future.

What experience in your life have helped you develop your uniqueness? 

How have you learned from your mistakes?

Make a list of boundaries you are willing to establish that clearly communicates your wants and needs.

List the unique gifts you bring into the world?

How can you increase your awareness of how you use your voice and your body?

What are your thoughts and feelings when you view your present body?

In what ways do you share love and commitment to help others?